
Do robots have cognitive skills?

5 minutes
zdolności poznawcze robotów

Most of our robots strictly follow the procedure that is programmed up-front. This procedure sometimes can by very complex, because of the nature of the underlying business process. This allows the robot to work with 100% accuracy at all times. Robots can always explain why they made specific decisions and why they chose specific path based on specific situation. This makes them absolutely deterministic and perfectly fit for operations where the result has to be exactly, as provided by the procedure.

However in some situations we can benefit from artificial intelligence, especially when robots make some preliminary work, searching through big databases to prepare some data for further processing by humans. The examples of such activity from our experience can be reading incoming emails and flagging them with different categories. Even if the process is not 100% accurate it can save a lot of human work with reading all communication.

Read what RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is.

Mariusz Pultyn

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