What benefits does the robotization bring?

RPA has in recent time earned itself a title of a ‘super-hyped tool’. The reason why so muchbuzz is being generated around the RPA is how versatile and ‘to-the-point’ the technologyis.We may be experiencing a revolution which results in disrupting a paradigm in which anyautomation in office operations is entirely under full IT teams responsibility. The power of RPAis that it hands some of the automation capability to business owners of processes. Consideringthat thanks to RPA automation can be easily applied usually to the most painful and unwantedby people tasks, the hype around the dawn of robots working along people in our offices is fully justified.
The difference between a tool and a syper-hyped tool is that the latter may sometimes be usedeverywhere, without giving a second thought to the purpose the tool was designed for. In orderto make sure that robotization with RPA is perceived and used for the right tasks we are willing to share a list of reasons why to consider reaching for the technology. All in all, using the right tools to the right tasks is always a mandatory step to achieve success. And knowing whatbenefits a tool can bring is even more important to set the right expectations.
Robotization with RPA brings certain benefits which need to be identified well. RPA does not answer all of challenges that back-office operations face now, yet it allows for certainadvancements that can yield great results. If done wellrobotization brings following important benefits:
- Robots perform tasks that people usually don’t want to do – tedious, repetitive and error-prone, what allows humans to focus on more creative part of their job.
- A robot works faster and is more accurate than human and never makes mistakes.
- A robot is much cheaper than cost of salary of a human doing the same tasks.
- A robot never quits job. In addition Digital Teammates® takes full care of its maintenance, reconfiguring it as needed. This allows you to save recruitment and training cost of your employees.
- A robot easily handles sudden spikes in volumes of work. In such cases multiple copies of the robots can be made available to work on demand.
- A robot doesn’t require desk, computer, proper office space and ergonomic chair, which mitigates challenges you face while trying to manage office space.
Robots may not be an answer to all challenges associated with back-office operations, yet the benefits of having them on board are tangible and achievable inshort time. Robots as Digital Teammates not only release a burden of doing the least interesting tasks but also they are aperfect solution to rising or irregular volumes of work.
Coming back to the notion that RPA allows for automating some of tasks without IT input–you need to treat this promise with reserve. RPA sure does powerful automation in a lot simplerway than could be imagined few years ago, yet it still is a piece of software and as any it doesrequire basic engineering and development approach incorporate to make sure it works.Especially when larger scale of robots is deployed–even if developing every single one wasdoable without IT skills, managing, monitoring and maintaining them is not as is easy as whenyou had just two simple robotson board.