Robot manufacturing process automation

Is it possible to deal with large-scale robotization (more than a few robots) without automating the processes of creating, installing and monitoring robots?
We believe it isn’t. Robots used in RPA is a piece of software which sometimes needs to be changed. They work on applications which may also change from time to time what can cause even more complications. When starting robotization journey you should be always prepared for both of these factors and have tools to manage them in easy and safe way.
At the same time, we want the development of robots to be a simple and pleasant work, rather than a constant fight with the removal of errors. That is why in Digital Teammates we have prepared several tools and standards, that let us combine ease of working on robots (and thus shortening Time-To-Market) while maintaining a high level of quality and low vulnerability to errors.
Some of the main elements included in our solution for robot manufacturing process automation:
- Standarization of the robot development process
Robots coming out of our factory are always characterized by certain common features regardless of which systems and in which environments they work on. This set of rules applies to both the manufacturing process (based on the best programming practices) and the construction itself (a set of rules that must be obeyed by all newly created robots).
- Creation of robots’ working environments
A very important factor, that can easily reduce the risk of possible errors is the standardization of robots’ working environments and the automatization of the process of preparing robots’ workstations. Thanks to this approach and dedicated tools, we are able to build virtual “robots’ desks” quickly significantly shortening Time-To-Market for our Clients.
- Automatic tests, robots installation and configuration process
Our robots are tested automatically, and more specifically, are tested by other robots whose only purpose is to detect errors as soon as possible on test environments.
Fast and efficient installation of new robots also requires automation. Our robots use an integrated configuration management system, which helps minimizing risk of errors and allows changes in start-up parameters without the need of installing new versions of robots.
- Robots monitoring
All operations performed by robots are logged (on several levels) and stored in a dedicated log repository. The structure of these logs allows us to generate reports of both technical and business nature. Our clients have access to this data online and are able to monitor how do their virtual employees perform.
More details about mentioned tools and standards in my upcoming blog articles.
Read about standardization of the robot development process.