
The Future of People in a Robots’ World: Interview for „Innowacje na start”

5 minutes
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Last Monday, on 2 September, our Head of Operations Magdalena Adamczewska and Robo Shepherd Coordinator Marta Mięśniak were guests at the radio show “Innowacje na start” (Innovations for Start) hosted by Natalia Gorzelnik in Polskie Radio RDC. During the show Magda and Marta discussed such topics as robotization and the work of Robo Shepherds.

Robots take over tasks which people dislike

In the case of software robots robotization means that robots do the same tasks on a computer, which previously were completed by a human, such as copying, pasting and monitoring data. Robots make excellent workers completing processes in accounting, but also in finance, banking, logistics, HR, and public administration.

On average 30% of processes in a company can be robotized. They consist of repetitive and tedious tasks, which employees dislike and which they’d love to swap for more ambitious assignments. By taking over boring processes, robots give people the opportunity to make use of skills which robots lack, such as decision making and interpersonal skills.

However, with such high robotic potential, implementing robotization on your own often proves to be difficult. It is worth, then, to consider renting robots as Clients pay for the work robots actually do, but they don’t incur the costs of building and maintaining robots.

Robotization creates new jobs – the example of Robo Shepherds

Robotization often prompts the topic of whether robots will replace people at work. Although robots take over some responsibilities, at the same time they create completely new jobs and posts, allowing for unique reskilling. Robo Shepherds are a prime example of this.

Robo Shepherds combine the function of several professions as they’re responsible for creating, testing and maintaining robots. Many Robo Shepherds previously worked in operations. As Marta emphasised, you don’t need IT background to change your career, but logical and analytical thinking. Since the number of working robots will only increase in the coming years, jobs tied to building robots are the future, Magda remarked.

The interview is available in Polish as a podcast here.

Read about what a workday of a robot is like.

Magdalena Grzelak

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