What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a combination of technologies which allow automationof structured, repetitive and routine office tasks, whichyour employees perform using a mouseand a keyboard in any of your IT systems. RPA is a great tool for tasks that are driven byprocedures, schedules and instructions.
Thanks to robots your employees gain support with most tedious tasks and can spend moretimeon jobs that require creativity. RPA works great regardless of your industry (including all kindsof shared services–finance, accounting, HR, but also in customer care, banking or healthservices). RPA can cooperate with full range of applications–starting with “black” terminals,through all kinds of windows applications to the most modern web applications.
The reason why RPA is growing so fast is that it is inheritably well suited for automating areaswhere the key to success is to make it reasonably cheap and fast. RPA platforms allow forrelatively easy, cheap and quick development of robots that automate simple tasks. It is a keyfeature when compared with traditional a software development which most often iseconomically not justified in places where quickly deployed robots are the answer. It isimportant to note here, that despite the fact that RPA development is easier than traditionalsoftware development, it still does require certain amount of specialized RPA expertise andtools to be efficient at sizeable scale.