Robotics University

November 2021


1. Can I make changes to the robot myself?

Answer: We do not recommend making changes to the robots yourself. In order to maintain the continuity of the robot’s operation, modifications should be introduced and tested beforehand, thus minimizing the risk of errors. In some models, the maintenance and modification of robots is included in the price of the service, and in our case, Robot Shepherds take care of everything.

2. Does the robot work on the same account as the employee?

Answer: The robots have their own login and password, which they do not share with anyone. From the point of view of the system, the robot is treated like each employee with a separate identity. Thanks to this, we are able to easily distinguish the effects of a robot’s work from that made by a human.

3. What entitlements do robots get?

Answer: It is a good practice to grant robots only the permissions that are necessary to perform a specific process. This approach guarantees the safety of the business supervisor. The robot works according to strictly defined instructions, therefore it will not perform any unplanned and undesirable activities.

4. Does the robot require constant control?

Answer: A properly trained and tested robot works fully independently and does not require constant control. However, periodic monitoring of the activities performed by him is recommended. This task belongs to the Robo Shepherds. They create and test robots, but most importantly, they maintain them and make sure that they are ready for work every day. Thanks to this, the owners of business processes can be sure that the tasks entrusted to the robots will be performed flawlessly and on time.

5. How can I monitor the robot’s work?

Answer: Two methods are used for monitoring. The first is the so-called a technical dashboard that is used by Robo Shepherds and Customers to observe the current activity of the robot. The second, however, is an overview of the effects of his work – summaries, summaries, reports and e-mails. The use of both the technical method and the business method allows for full verification of the correctness of the tasks performed by the robot.

6. What happens if the robot stops working?

Answer: Problems are very rare and the robot’s work is monitored. In the event of an error or failure, an appropriate message is sent to the caregiver, who is able to react almost immediately. The response time is therefore reduced to a minimum. The Robo Shepherd, on the other hand, can make corrections and eliminate the emerging failure.

7. Will the introduction of a robot to the company be associated with a reduction in jobs?

Answer: Our experience shows that starting the robots does not result in any job cuts. The robot takes over boring, tedious and repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more creative, creative and innovative issues. It should be remembered that the specialist knowledge possessed by people working in a given organization is an aspect unattainable for programmed robots.

8. Is the robot a competition for the IT department or a support?

Answer: The robot is not a competition for the IT department because it performs processes whose automation has a lower priority in the organization than new business functionalities. IT department employees are indispensable when implementing automation, and thanks to robots, they can devote themselves to tasks related to the development of the organization. The robots themselves are connected to the end applications used by employees, so they do not require programming or configuration changes.

9. How do people react to virtual colleagues?

Answer: The relationship between workers and robots can start with distrust as many people still fear that hiring a robot entails job losses. However, this is a misconception, and the employees themselves, despite their initial fears, usually respond well to robots. They often give them their own names or call them diminutives, in the end they perform the most boring and repetitive processes in organizations 😊.

10. Where to get the robot for the company?

Answer:There are many ways to get a robot for your business. The basic possibilities include:

  • hiring a robot, i.e. Robot-as-a-Service,
  • commissioning the construction of a robot to an external company,
  • creating robots on your own by building a robotization center.

Each of the above options differs, among others time of delivery of the robot, at the expense of its development or maintenance, but also responsibility for updates and modifications.

11. How much does it cost to hire a robot?

Answer: There are two basic models of paying for robots. The first of them, i.e. the traditional one was based on investing in development and maintenance from the very beginning of cooperation with robots. Companies embarking on this approach expect robots to pay off later in life that will outweigh the costs. The second method is called rental model, then you pay only for the work actually done by the robot.

12. Is it better to invest in your own robotics center or use external solutions?

Answer: Creating your own robotization center is both a labor-intensive and capital-intensive process, as well as a long-term one. If your company strategically ties the future with large-scale robotics, then this approach will be appropriate. For smaller companies, an alternative – Robot-as-a-Service – may be more advantageous. This solution allows the implementation of robots even within 1 month of making the decision to implement. Then, external partners take care of updating the robots, and the organization itself does not bear the costs of recruiting and training new employees.

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