Robotics University

October 2021


1. Will the robot take my job?

Answer: Not. The purpose of the robot is to support employees, facilitate tasks and take care of performing activities that have so far been repetitive and error-prone.
In the foreseeable future, robots will not match us in tasks that require creativity, making complex decisions or establishing relationships.

2. Won’t the robot steal my company data?

Answer: The data the robot uses in its work is absolutely safe. The leading RPA platforms are built on the basis of the highest security and compliance standards and are certified by independent companies involved in testing the security of IT systems. In addition, the process of manufacturing robots is subject to rigorous tests and audits that exclude any breach of data confidentiality.

3. How will the workplace change in the future due to the implementation of robotics?

Answer: Having robots increases employee motivation. When the least liked activities become automated, people working hand in hand with Digital Teammates can finally focus on more demanding and developing tasks. All this, in effect, leads to the creation of a much more attractive workplace, reduces employee turnover and reduces the susceptibility of processes to errors.

4. How long does it take to create a robot?

Answer: Usually, the first robot is handed over to the customer within 6 weeks of the start of the development process. The delivery time for the next ones depends on the complexity of the automated business process and the instructions provided, and can range from 2 to even 8 weeks for extremely complex processes.

5. How long does it take to adapt a robot to changes in systems or processes?

Answer: The robot adaptation process can take from several hours to several days, depending on how large the change in the robot’s environment is. Almost always, robots are prepared for work in test environments in advance, so even during shifts, the robot does its work non-stop.

6. What are the benefits of implementing a robot in the company?

Answer: Robot:

  • carries out tasks that people don’t want to do,
  • works more efficiently and does not make mistakes,
  • is cheaper than the employee’s salary cost,
  • will not quit work,
  • copes well with sudden increases in task volumes,
  • saves the costs of recruiting and training new employees,
  • does not need an office space to work.

7. What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

Answer: RPA is a platform that allows you to automate structured, repetitive and routine office activities that are performed by company employees using a mouse and keyboard in any IT system.

8. What is business process automation?

Answer: Automation of business processes is a set of solutions consisting in partial limitation or complete replacement of human work by delegating some tasks to a machine or a computer program.

9. What are the best features for robotization?

Answer: The best process for automation should be: tedious, uninteresting, repetitive, time-consuming, prone to human error and characterized by high volatility of work volumes.

10. Is it possible to robotize everything, anywhere?

Answer: Not. Robots cannot replace us in everything. The limitations of technology can be an obstacle, especially where human creativity and relationships are needed. Above all, however, many processes are not worth robotizing due to the costs and time that are extremely important for business.

11. What software are robots created in?

Answer: The most popular RPA work environments include BluePrism, UiPath, Automotion Anywhere and PowerAutomate.

12. Who cares for the robot and updates it?

Answer: In the case of Digital Teammates customers, it is the Robot Shepherds who take care of the robots. Similar tasks may, however, be carried out by Robotics Specialists or RPA Analysts. Changes are made by Robot Shepherds or those responsible for it, when they notice that the mechanisms in operation have ceased to function or they do so at the request of the Client.

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