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Kiedy zaczynam płacić za robotyzację?
Five reasons why financial departments should no longer postpone the implementation of robots
20 minutes 16 July 2019 Konrad Jakubiec
The automation of work in financial departments is a challenge faced by every company whose dynamic growth results in increased manual work in this area. At the same time, the increasing level of process complexity, and particularly the growing pressure on the quality and speed of providing outcomes, does not allow quick and effective application of traditional methods of process optimisation.
Robot pomoc czy zagrożenie na rynku pracy
How to employ a robot in five steps?
15 minutes 8 July 2019 Mariusz Pultyn
According to the report “Robots are ready to work. Is your company ready to take advantage of them? 2018” prepared by Deloitte, almost 40% of managers regard an increase in productivity as the main goal of implementing robotic process automation of business processes.
Kiedy zaczynam płacić za robotyzację?
When do I start to pay for robotization?
5 minutes 11 January 2019 Konrad Jakubiec
If you decide to go for robotization on your own, most often with a help of external specialist who assist in rolling out RPA project, than significant up-front investment need to be done. Apart from the actual cost of hiring external company (and these costs may exceed hundreds of thousands Euro), internal robotization is associated with following costs:
Robot pomoc czy zagrożenie na rynku pracy
Robot as a threat or opportunity for job market?
5 minutes 21 December 2018 Konrad Jakubiec
We have a very consistent observation: in our experience way to many people worldwide do the tasks which are not made for humans and fit perfectly well for robots. We mean tedious, repetitive and error prone activities that very often yield decrease in motivation in teams.
Jak w typowej firmie roboty pozwalają osiągnąć sytuację win-win?
How robots can be a win-win in a typical company?
5 minutes 21 November 2018 Mariusz Pultyn
In all companies known to us one thing is taken for granted: IT resources are scarce and choices made in terms of what will be developed by technical team and what needs to wait for ‘unknown future’ are always difficult. Moreover, IT development is generally expensive what leads to very careful decision making with heavy emphasis on business case the investment is to generate.
Robotyzacja - przeszkody
What are main obstacles to robotization and how to overcome them?
15 minutes 20 November 2018 Mariusz Pultyn
In one of my previous articles I discussed main reasons to go for robotization. Now I want tackle a more challenging topic – an analysis of main obstacles companies have to overcome to succeed with robotization.
Zautomatyzowanie robotów
Robot manufacturing process automation
10 minutes 15 November 2018 Bartek Pietras
Is it possible to deal with large-scale robotization (more than a few robots) without automating the processes of creating, installing and monitoring robots?
Roboty w pracy i ich odbiór przez ludzkich pracowników
Hand in hand with robots – how people react to digital teammates?
10 minutes 9 November 2018 Magda Adamczewska
As you can easily imagine, the decision to introduce robots that perform tasks handled by people can be a controversial topic for human employees. Our experience shows that even mere delivery of such news can stir the emotions and open up argumentative discussions.
Miejsce pracy w przyszłości
How future workspace will change?
5 minutes 31 October 2018 Konrad Jakubiec
Z naszych obserwacji wynika, że większość firm zmaga się z wyzwaniem jakim jest niedobór pracowników w porównaniu do pracy jaką należy wykonać. Szczególnie w operacjach biurowych zauważalna jest rosnąca presja utrudniająca utrzymanie zespołu operacyjnego.
zdolności poznawcze robotów
Do robots have cognitive skills?
5 minutes 25 October 2018 Mariusz Pultyn
Most of our robots strictly follow the procedure that is programmed up-front. This procedure sometimes can by very complex, because of the nature of the underlying business process. This allows the robot to work with 100% accuracy at all times


Analiza potencjału automatyzacyjnego procesów biznesowych
What You Need to Know About Assessing The Automation Potential of Your Processes
5 minut Magdalena Grzelak
Analiza potencjału automatyzacyjnego to jeden z pierwszy kroków na drodze do automatyzacji procesów biznesowych. Na czym polega? Jak najlepiej się do niej przygotować?
Święta z robotami
Christmas in the Future
15 minutes Magdalena Grzelak
What will Christmas celebrations look like in the future? See how the Digital Teammates team answered this question.
Zdjęcie główne
The Most Neglected Cause of Turnover: Boredom At Work – Summary
10 minutes Magdalena Grzelak
On 20th August we hosted a webinar in which our CFO/COO Konrad Jakubiec and HR manager Katarzyna Adamczewska talked about causes and effects of boredom at work. They also explained possible solutions to this problem. In today’s article we’ll briefly present key points from the webinar.

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